Puzzle Introduction


It is seems famous puzzle that you know, but not so. This is our original puzzle "Skewdoku".

  1. Put one of the numbers given in empty cells
  2. Digits can not repeat on each diagonal line
  3. Each region bounded by thick border contains each digit exactly once

Skewdoku 9x9

.464.8..385.3..6.9...7..5.81.49..3.42.6...7.25.7..48.92.7..2...4.6..9.799..7.853. 111222333111222333111222333444555666444555666444555666777888999777888999777888999

Skewdoku 8x8

.56..7.887...5........72.35468.64.62275.68........3...327.8..16... 1111223311112233444422334444223355667777556677775566888855668888

Skewdoku 6x6

..2..346556.....4..2.....461342..5.. 111222111222333444333444555666555666

Skewdoku 5x5 1112211322433324435544555

Android app on Google PlaySkewdoku